Tag: Basics

Posted on 02/03/2025
What is APR? Mortgage terms to know
When searching for a mortgage, many homeowners might...
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Posted on 01/02/2023
Modern interior design 101
While the term “modern” is frequently used to describe anything "new," modern interior design is a specific style that originated in the early twentieth century. Modern interior design is a versatile starting point for anybody wanting to redecorate part or all of their home. Here are some of the basic elements of modern interior design: Common characteristics If...
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Posted on 09/27/2021
Basics of Building an Outdoor Kitchen
Outdoor kitchens are ideal when you want to cook outside when the weather’s pleasant. Instead of being cooped up in a stuffy kitchen, you can get some fresh air and sun while preparing lunch or dinner on the grill or outdoor range. Your outdoor kitchen can also include an area for dining, so you don’t have to go...
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